
Best and Worst

Hey again, here i'm writing about my last semester.

I would say that my experience in this las semester was great in professional terms, in love not soo much.

I think the most important thing was playing with the Chamber Orchestra of Chile, that was an exellent experience, i learned a lot of things related to music of couse, it was challenging because i played with professional musicians and i worked very hard.

Another good thing is that my family bussines grew a lot, we now have a place to work, very nice, al last we finish the legal issues that didn't allow us to work completely, so we started to sell our educative products to schools, institudes and hopefully we will recovering the initial investment at the end of October.

But life has a balance, is not everything about work or money, and for that reason i broke up with my girlfriend, because i hadn't got time for her, I spended all day, practicing, studying, working and performing so i arrived late at night with no strenght left to visit her. and finally the relationship faded as the time passes by.

However, i think it will be a time when love comes, and i won't have to work that much.


1 comentario:

  1. Victor, congratulations, I think you are a very nice and interesting guy (unfortunately, I'm not gay XD), but too busy! Therefore, I don't know, you must be careful because the Music is a very jealous woman...

