Nowdays in a world full of polution, the actitude that you must have is about to watch your steps and minimize the contamination of your enviroment. you can learn more about this in (example).
Personaly one of the way that i contribute to enviroment pollution is riding a bike instead of use the public transportation or cars, another good way is recycling, you can recycle glass, wood, some metals, etc. and help on saving threes and the unnecesary waste of raw materials.
In spite of having an ecological actitude i believe that eco-organisations not necesary feeds the ecological needs, for the contrary they profit in the name of nature and doesn't do too much about it (example), with a few exeptions of course(example).
Live your lives in a healthy and balance way, always try to minimize your impact in the nature and live in a joyfull actitude.
I´m glad you did it, although there are some things to work on.